Set of scripts to run STRUCTURE in parallel on computing grids like MetaCentrum. Scripts are designed for grids and clusters using PBS Pro, but can be easily adopted for another queue system.
Parallel evolution provides powerful natural experiments for studying repeatability of evolution and genomic basis of adaptation. Well-documented examples from plants are, however, still rare, as are inquiries of mechanisms driving convergence in some traits while divergence in others. Arabidopsis arenosa, a predominantly foothill species with scattered morphologically distinct alpine occurrences is a promising candidate. Yet, the hypothesis of parallelism remained untested.
Minuartia smejkalii is an obligate serpentinophyte plant endemic to the Czech Republic. Since the 1960s, the species’ habitat has undergone strong human-mediated fragmentation, resulting in extinction of some populations and dramatic size reduction of the remaining populations. Thus, contrary to the typically stable serpentine habitats, M. smejkalii habitats underwent a recent and severe decline, which can exacerbate the effects of fragmentation on population genetic structure. We examined the genetic structure of all known M.
Intensive 4-days (5th day is not compulsory, but is open for any discussion, if there would be interest) course to learn all theory about HybSeq and practically learn how to analyze HybSeq data, how to solve all problems, and how to evaluate differences among gene trees. Important part is enough time to discuss everything, including practical problems and projects of individual participants.
Taraxacum koksaghyz Rodin, a dandelion from the steppes of south-eastern Kazakhstan, has been known for long time as potential rubber producer, as a temperate region alternative to the tropical rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.. In this work, we evaluate Taraxacum bicorne Dahlst. (wild populations), a closely related congener of T. koksaghyz.
Genus Taraxacum (Asteraceae), having ∼60 sections and 2,800 species, is known for its complicated evolutionary relationships and taxonomy due to processes like frequent hybridization, polyploidization, asexual reproduction, clonality and low structural morphological variability. Various taxonomical concepts and approaches are reviewed, evaluated and discussed from point of view of their ability to deal with such a complicated genera as is Taraxacum. Various processes responsible for the complicated situation within Taraxacum are discussed and reviewed. Section Dioszegia, comprising T.
R is nowadays probably the most powerful tool for statistics of all types. There are plenty of modules available for work with molecular data. Those will be introduced during the course. Previous knowledge of R is useful, but not necessary. If there is at least one participant not speaking Czech, the course will be in English.
Don’t be afraid of command line! It is friendly and powerful tool. Practically identical is command line also in Apple osX, BSD and another UNIX-based systems, not only in Linux. Basic knowledge of Linux is not conditional. Course will be taught in Linux, but most of the point are applicable also for another UNIX systems like osX. Knowledge of Linux/UNIX is useful e.g. for working with molecular and another data. MetaCentrum is service provided by CESNET allowing access to huge computational capacity.
Diploid populations of Valeriana officinalis L. (Valerianaceae) in Central Europe exhibit an extensive variation, with two conspicuous morphotypes. One, corresponding to the lectotype of V. officinalis, is larger, with broader, distinctly dentate leaflets, the other is in many respects similar to V. pratensis Dierb. and V. stolonifera Czern., but is glabrous, with narrow, usually entire leaflets.